

90 Uppsatser om Marte meo therapist - Sida 1 av 6

?Tänd ett ljus?? : Klientens upplevelse av Marte meo behandling.

The purpose with this study was to investigate the client?s experience of Marte meo treatment and the procedure in the treatment from a responses and relational perspective, since the treatment occur within the social service frame. The theoretical framework consists of some central concepts. The concepts are experience of treatment, responses and relational perspective. The analysis of the empirical material has been carried out with the help of the concepts and earlier research.The method consisted of qualitative, semi-structured interviews with six informants.

Marte meo-metoden på behandlingshem : en kvalitativ studie utifrån föräldrars och behandlares perspektiv

This study aims to explore parents and treatment personnels experiences of the Marte meo methodat a family treatment home. Three retrospective interviews were made with parents whoexperienced Marte meo treatment, as well as four interviews with treatment personnel. The purposeof the Marte meo method is to develop the interaction between parent and child. Previous resultsfrom studies show that treatment with the Marte meo method could provide positive effects to theparent child relationship. The results in this study have been analyzed by using parts of attachmenttheory, the salutogenic perspective and the term intersubjectivity.

Marte meo - "Show me" sade Maria: En kvalitativ studie av Marte meo terapeutens upplevelser och yrkeserfarenheter av metoden inom socialt behandlingsarbete

This thesis puts focus on Maria Aarts method "Marte meo" (on one's own strength). With the video camera as a principal tool, the purpose of the method is to be a practical working tool to support developmental processes on specific target groups, for example parents and their children. The aim of the thesis was to describe Swedish Marte meo therapists and Marte meo Supervisors personal- and working experiences of the method, which was introduced in Sweden year 1991. Central questions were: How does Marte meo therapists describe the essence of the method, it's establishment, development, and future in Swedish social services and psychotherapeutic treatment work? Which are Marte meo therapists opinions of the methods relation to general problems and issues within social services and psychotherapeutic treatment work, such as the anchorage of theory and practice and the general claim for more research in social services interventions? In order to achieve the aim of the thesis a qualitative study was performed containing semi structured interviews with three Marte meo therapists (two of them also titled Marte meo Supervisors).

Marte meo i daglig verksamhet - En studie i hur Marte meo tillämpas inom daglig verksamhet

This report is the result of several interviews of employees within the field of pedagogy. The background behind this report is my period as a trainee in one of the daily activities in Malmo. In daily activities the employers gets training, education and guidance in Marte meo, which is funded by public finances. The method, which this study focuses upon is called Marte meo. It is a method of communicating and developing the means for the participants to evolve their skills in communicating and increase self esteem.

Marte Meo : Innehåll, tillämpning och spridning

Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka var, när och hur Marte meometoden används i samspelsbehandling. Resultatet bygger dels på enkät ställd till medlemmar i Marte meoföreningen, dels på intervjuer med fyra Marte meoterapeuter. Enkäten visade att Marte meo används på olika platser i landet, inom olika verksamheter och av många yrkeskategorier, främst socionomer och pedagoger. Metoden kombineras med andra metoder och interventioner, oftast samtal. Marte meobehandlingen anpassas efter det enskilda barnets behov och interventionerna modifieras efter barnets utvecklingsnivå. Metodens fördelar anges av de intervjuade vara att den är konkret och har fokus på barnet. Möjligheten att tillämpa ?the three r´s? enligt Sameroffs modell för Marte meobehandling diskuteras.

Pedagogers uppfattningar av barn i behov av särskilt stöd och Marte Meo handledning

Studiens syfte var att undersöka pedagogers skilda uppfattningar av barn i behov av särskilt stöd och deltagandet i Marte Meo handledning. Studien är en kvalitativ studie med en fenomenografisk ansats som bygger på intervjuer med ett antal pedagoger i förskola och skola. De frågeställningar som låg till grund för studien var: Vilka skilda uppfattningar av barn i behov av särskilt stöd förekommer hos pedagoger efter deltagande i Marte Meo handledning? På vilka skilda sätt uppfattar nämnda pedagoger den erhållna handledningen i Marte Meo? Resultatet visar på kvalitativt skilda uppfattningar av studerade fenomen och företeelser. Det framgår att pedagogerna har erfarenheter av barn i behov av särskilt stöd och Marte Meo handledning.

Det positiva ledarskapet : Marte meo i arbetslivet: En testkonstruktion

Moderna ledarskapsteorier lyfter fram ledarens utvecklingsbefrämjande funktion och ser flera likheter mellan ledarskap och föräldraskap. Syftet med studien är att konstruera ett ledarskapstest som bygger på Marte Meo-metodens dimensioner för hur man skapar en utvecklingsstödjande dialog. De åtta dimensionerna omtolkades från ett föräldra/barnsammanhang till ett ledare/medarbetarsammanhang. Därefter skapades fem testuppgifter utifrån operationella definitioner av varje dimension. När etthundra testpersoner hade besvarat testet undersöktes varje dimensions reliabilitet med hjälp av Cronbachs alpha.

En samtalsanalytisk studie av kommunikativa strategier och professionell interaktion mellan logoped-patient med afasi och arbetsterapeutpatient med afasi

In the present study, the institutional discourse in health care was examined, focusing onspeech therapists and occupational therapists in interaction with a common patient withaphasia. The purpose of the present study was to identify common communication strategiesused in the professional conversation between a speech therapist and a patient and between anoccupational therapist and the same patient. Specific research questions were: Whatcommunicative strategies are used in interaction between a speech therapist and a patient withaphasia and between the occupational therapist and the same patient? Are theredifferences/similarities between how speech therapists and occupational therapists interactwith patients with aphasia?Six people in total, two patients in interaction with a speech therapist and an occupationaltherapist respectively, were recorded during treatment sessions of each profession. Generaland specific aspects of the institutional interaction were then analysed according to principlesof conversation analysis.Similarities in the use of closed questions as a strategy to increase the effectiveness ininteraction could be seen between the two different professions studied.

Om anhöriga och relationers betydelse vid psykossjukdom i det psykoterapeutiska arbetet

The purpose of this study is to better understand patients suffering from psychotic illness along with their family members, and to identify treatment factors that have been helpful for these patients and their families by investigating how their relationships have been affected by treatment. In this way, treatment methods can be put in a theoretical context, treatment efforts can be clearer, and the therapist can develop professionally.The research method used is a semistruktureted interview conducted with tree patients and their families. One conclusion one can draw in the successful treatment with psychotic patients is strongly based on the therapist?s ability to build a safe and secure treatment alliance with both the patient and his family members. Meeting with patients in situations outside of the therapy room have been of great importance for the therapeutic process.Important themes for recovery that come forth during the interviews with the patients are the quality of the therapy session as healing factor.

Föräldrastöd vid trots och utagerande beteendeproblem hos yngre barn

Insatser för att erbjuda föräldrastöd har stor betydelse för att förebygga och hantera problem med utagerande beteende hos barn. Syftet med studien var att utvärdera individuell föräldrafokuserad behandling enligt Marte Meo-metoden vid utagerande, trots och aggressivitet hos barn. Det finns få vetenskapliga studier gjorda av denna metod. En multipel baslinjedesign användes vid en behandlingskontakt över tio veckor för sex föräldrar till barn i åldrarna 4-9 år med utagerande beteende. Mätmetoderna bestod av återkommande registreringar av barnets trots och utagerande beteende samt olika frågeformulären såsom CBCL, ECBI och BDI.

Arbetsterapeuters pedagogiska förhållningssätt i gruppverksamhet - en kvalitativ studie

The occupational therapist uses meaningful activities to promote health and accomplish functional progress. The professional role is to support and enable for the client to change his/her life. One way to accomplish this is to use the group as a tool. Knowledge is needed about how learning works and which teaching methods exist to promote learning, so it is adapted after the clients´ personal way of learning. The aim of this study was to investigate which pedagogical approaches occupational therapists use in group activities.

Ämnen och dominans i ett samtal mellan terapeut och klient : En samtalsanalytisk jämförelse med läkar-patientsamtal

This thesis presents an analysis of a conversation between a therapist and her client. Through a study of the conversation's topics and structure I have been able to draw conclusions on how the therapist governs and steers the session. With the use of certain tools, such as introductions of topics, invitations, paraphrasing and explorative questions, the therapist presents the frames of the conversation. At the same time, though, she invites the client to state her point of view and correct the views imposed on her through, for example, formulations from the therapist. I in my study I have used the methods of Conversational Anlaysis (CA) com-bined with quantitative methods such as calculating the frequency of a phenomenon.Throughout the thesis I have compared my results with the results presented by Ulla Melander Marttala in her dissertation Content and perspective in doctor-patient conversa-tions.

Barns språksvårigheter : Hur man som pedagog bemöter barn med språksvårigheter

The main purpose with this study was to get an insight in how to best be able to help children with language difficulties, and learn to see those who are in need of extra help and attention.The study is the result of three separate interviews with a speech therapist, a preschool teacher, and a teacher for children with special needs. The other information that my study is built on comes from books.The answers that I got from the interviews questions, have I built my discussions from.Since I only have done three interviews, can´t I do any general conclusions, from my findings.The answers that I got shows that it`s not always the same answers from the speech therapist, preschool teacher and the teacher for children with special needs, are the same. But most of the answers had a similar conclusion. The most important finding in my study, which also the literature agrees with, is that. It´s always important to read out loud to the children.Keywords: language difficulties, exertion, learning to speech and communication..

Terapeutegenskaper och allians i utbildningsterapi: En intervjustudie

The working alliance between therapist and client has been proven important for the treatment outcome in psychotherapy, as well as the therapist?s characteristics. The aim of the current study was to examine the experience of important characteristics when forming a working alliance, among psychotherapy trainees. Eight psychotherapy trainees at Umeå University were interviewed and the material was analyzed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). Characteristics described as positively impacting the working alliance were interested, empathic, warm, genuine, secure, flexible and accepting.

Mäns rätt till behandling & Eldsjälars betydelse : En uppsats om behandling för män som utövar våld

The purpose of this study is to examine certain aspects of work with men who use violence in intimate relationships. In a Government bill in late 90s the Government presented its action plan on what is expected to be done in each municipality, but investigations show that the work is stationary. 46 percent of the men, who are in treatment, choose to cancel it. We wanted to find out how society will meet up with men who use violence in their intimate relationship and how to go about in the meeting. Those who lead us to the answers in this qualitative method are three social workers and a therapist who has the task of helping these men. The study is based on interviews from three municipalities in southern Sweden, the municipalities made ??as in between 30-60 000 residents and businesses are startups; theoldest has been in operation for five years.The results showed that they had chosen to put these activities under the sections of the Social Services but is counted as a separate project, as the driving force may apply for funding via the County Council.

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